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CLI Tools

Creating a Node Wallet

Create a new wallet with the following command:

~/voi/bin/create-wallet <wallet_name>

Creating an Account

Create a new account with the following command:


Retrieving Account Mnemonic

Retrieve the mnemonic of an existing account with the following command:

~/voi/bin/get-account-mnemonic <account_address>


Remember to save or write down the 25-word seed phrase that shows up. If you lose it, you will lose access to your account, including any Voi tokens you have. Here's how to keep your seed phrase safe.

Importing an Account

Import an existing account with the following command:



Use this command to import wallets created on a different terminal or from third-party wallets, such as Kibisis or A-Wallet.

Generating Participation Key

Generate a participation key for an existing account with the following command:

~/voi/bin/generate-participation-key <account_address>

After generation, you will need to take the account online with the new key.


We recommend rerunning the installer with /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL", this process will automatically take care of generation as well as taking the new key online.

Checking Participation Status

Check the participation status of an existing account with the following command:

~/voi/bin/get-participation-status <account_address>

Regenerating Participation Key

After 2 million blocks or in an estimated 60 days, you will need to regenerate a new participation key with the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Going Online

Bring an existing account online with the following command:

~/voi/bin/go-online <account_address>

Going Offline

Take an existing account offline with the following command:

~/voi/bin/go-offline <account_address>

Executing Goal Commands

Execute goal commands with the following command:

~/voi/bin/goal <goal_command>

Opening a Bash Shell in the AVM Container

Open a bash shell in the AVM container with the following command:


Getting Node Health

To retrieve health information about your node, execute the following command:


The get-node-status command prints out the following information

  • Running Voi Swarm image identifier
  • AVM version
  • Node health status
    • High-level service status
    • Health status and if service is running
    • If the node is fully caught up with the chain
  • Account status
    • Address
    • Balance
    • Participation key status
  • Telemetry status
    • Enablement
    • Name
    • Short GUID

Set Telemetry Name and GUID

To set telemetry name or to opt-out, execute the following command:


To set telemetry name and GUID, execute the following command:

~/voi/bin/set-telemetry-name <telemetry_name> <telemetry_guid>

Get Telemetry Status

To get status of your telemetry including enablement, name, and GUID, execute the following command:
