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Setup notifications

Enabling Notifications

Voi Swarm offers the ability to receive notifications when the participation key is about to expire, helping you to keep your node healthy and active.

Get Started

The notification.yml file is an example file that you can use to set up notifications. Start by copying the example ~/voi/docker/notification.yml.example file to the ~/voi/docker directory without the .example extension

cp ~/voi/docker/notification.yml.example ~/voi/docker/notification.yml

Adding Your Notification Choices

Update the notification.yml file with your preferred notification mechanism by updating the NOTIFICATION_URLS environment variable. The notification mechanism can be a webhook, email, push, or any other notification mechanism that is available via Apprise notifications

If you want to use multiple mechanisms, separate them with a comma. For example, to use both Discord and Pushbullet for notification, you would set the NOTIFICATION_URLS value in the notification.yml file to:


Updating Participation Key Checker Schedule

To modify the participation key notification schedule, adjust the labels in the notification.yml file.

Label Description
swarm.cronjob.schedule 0 16 * * * (default)

This is by default set to run daily at 4 PM UTC. Adjust this to your preferred time, accounting for your timezones UTC offset. Use a resource like for timezone conversion.

The format of the schedule is following the CRON format.

Applying Notification Configuration to the Stack

To apply your notification configuration to the stack, rerun the installation script:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Testing Your Notification Configuration

To test your notification configuration, you can manually trigger the notification service by running the following command:
