Installation - Advanced
This page contains advanced installation instructions for Voi Network. Most users should use the standard installation method.
Installing Without Wallet Setup (advanced)
For separate wallet management, install Voi without the wallet setup. This is an advanced feature and not suggested for most users. New user setup or importing an existing account is recommended.
If you want to install Voi without setting up a wallet, and where you manage your keys offline or on other systems, use the VOINETWORK_SKIP_WALLET_SETUP environment variable.
To skip wallet setup, run the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Joining a Specific Network (advanced)
Voi Swarm supports joining the mainnet
, betanet
, or testnet-v1.1
To specify a network during installation, set the VOINETWORK_NETWORK environment variable:
export VOINETWORK_NETWORK=testnet-v1.1
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
When joining a new network, you will be prompted to take existing accounts offline. New participation keys will then be generated allowing you to go online on the new network.